Facebook Fun

...this page reflects the fun that happened over facebook since the inception of our business school days..its seems to be forgotten but still the moments are alive within our heart..this page is just like a "Refresh" of all those precious moments..hope you will like it..

Our Official Facebook Page- www.facebook.com/inmantec

Our Honorable Director Sir updated his status in facebook after visiting our blog.. 

Our Group Page in Facebook

..at Rishikesh Trip..this photo was deleted after 1 hour of uploading..!!
Well..its not a facebook snapshot..but its the shocking news of INMANTEC history :P

Anuj's status at Facebook after completing 4 weeks of his internship..when he visits hostel for 3 days..
..Everybody is leaving Hostel to attend internship.. most of the hostelers are going out of Delhi for 2 months..  
to watch the video click here

well let's move towards the earlier days..august 2011
..But mind that..Santanu is one of them..(see Arti's post above)
..now its the day of our first Industrial Visit to PARLE
..our schedule just before end term exam
...the second birthday celebration in college....
..and so many memories..